Mating for Life

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death it’s jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.”
(Song of Songs 8:6-7 NIV)

A pressed flower from the thicket by the river.

My mentor-friend and I had wandered a ways off the patio, as conversations often do, and had picked our way to the point; a couple park benches overlooking the rushing river. We talked and the river hurried on, the metaphor of life dashing right past us. The newfound privacy afforded space more personal matters in our discussion as two goldfinch fluttered by and perched in the green and gold thicket between our benches and the water front.

“They mate for life, you know.”

She said it quietly, more of an instruction than an observation. As if on cue, the male goldfinch trilled and the female responded to his invitation; the two danced in the air together for a few moments before settling back on the branch to enjoy each other’s stillness.

A little research yields additional information: goldfinch will choose a mate and spend all spring and summer engaging one another before they build a nest and consummate. Perhaps that long courtship creates lasting connection? The audubon site says they return to each other each spring, courting one another all over again. The couple couple flies in circular formation and the male sings to her season upon season.

I shared this scripture this morning because it’s inscribed on the inside of our wedding bands; a small reminder of the permanent nature of marital love. “Set me as a seal.” In ancient times, a king’s seal expressed ownership, approval, even authorship. In marriage, we are sealed to one another in the presence of our King. We commit to move towards each other for a lifetime. In order to be successful in that covenant, we must re-engage with regularity. While the goldfinches dance in the air and sing songs to one another, the married couple makes way for love; swaying in the kitchen, flirting in the car, sharing glances over family dinner. We keep courting, season after season, year after year. Prolonged effort is required to keep this commitment vibrant and thriving. The goldfinches court every spring but the committed couple courts every day.

“Love never fails…” (1 Corinthians 13:8 NIV)

“Follow the way of love…” (1 Corinthians 14:1 NIV)

Lord, give us the courage and commitment to mate for life. We want to honor You in the midst of our marriage. Let this most primary relationship be a living reflection of Your love and loyalty to us. Help us to make time to court, find ways to flirt and continue to engage our spouse as long as we both have breath. Amen.

**happy birthday to my beloved Rob**

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