Beware of Dissipation

“But be on your guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you like a sudden trap.” (Luke 21:34 NET)

There was a word at the end of last night’s service. “Beware of dissipation.” I had to look it up, it’s a term I was unfamiliar with. It turns out, dissipations are things you spend a lot of time on but don’t give any return.

The speaker asked; What does God want to put His finger on? What do we run to when we are stressed or sad? What would He like us to lay down or set aside?

We live in a culture of distraction, with screens in every room, in our pockets and even at the gas pump. We waste our time without even feeling it slip through our fingers. I’m learning to live aware of these dissipations, these monitors that constantly demanding to be monitored. I’m learning to put it away, to place full attention on people and relationships, to be present and participant, to look up and show up.

We can fritter ourselves on things that hold no eternal value. Or we can spend ourselves on the agenda of heaven and our work will stand the test of time.

Lord, help us to be aware of dissipations. Let us identify the leaks in our lives and stop them up for Kingdom’s sake. May the eternal outweigh the immediate. Amen.

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