A Little Surrender Goes a Long Way

“Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves.” (Mark 6:41 NIV)

Tabgha was one of my favorite stops along our Israel tour. Beyond the iconic loaves and fishes mosaic laid into the floor, it just felt like a happy place. Jesus taking His people on a late afternoon picnic. I suppose it’s a leftover feeling from my childhood; my dad endlessly solidified the connection of full tummies and happy feelings. Tabgha felt like a happy place with a happy God and His happy people. Being with Jesus didn’t yet require the level of abandon that it would, that so few are willing to offer.

Yet some level of sacrifice was still involved. A little boy gave up his lunch. While it may not feel like a big deal to us, for that little boy it was a lot. I’m reminded of the truth that the Life Church podcast has been pushing into me this month: “God can do more with your surrender than you can do with your control.”

The little boy could have kept his lunch. He could have eaten in front of all those hungry people, they had failed to plan ahead. How would he have felt, filling his belly with empty eyes observing? Would he have been satisfied? Or would the loaves and fishes fell in his stomach like so many rocks? So often what we long to hang on to will not bring us the joy or fullness we are hoping for. It is only surrender that we’ll find fullness of joy. It is only in the Father’s perfect will where we’ll be satisfied.

Now picture the boy’s delight when he realizes his lunch is the miracle they are feasting upon! We get such a kick out of seeing God multiply our little to meet the needs of His many!

“They all ate and were satisfied.” (Mark 6:42 NIV)

Lord, You can take our little and remake it into more than enough. We willingly hand over all our resources; they are far more effective in Your hands than ours anyway. Besides, it all belongs to You. Use it as You see fit. Multiply it and bring glory to the Kingdom or set it aside for future needs. It is joy enough to sit at Your feet. Amen.

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