A Bad Apple

“For God does not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 2:7 NLT)

It hit me like bag of bricks firs thing this morning: fear is a lousy gift from the other side. It’s the trojan horse toy rolled into the nursery of our belief while we are still innocent enough to believe all gifts are good. Fear is not from God, it’s from our enemy and should be rejected as such. Fear is an impediment, not an advantage.

Thankfully, God has given us the antidote for fear: His Spirit. Where fear knots stomachs and steals peace, the Spirit breathes in power and love and self-discipline. I have walked in the Spirit long enough to recognize His advantage in my story. He makes me brave. The Spirit – if given leeway – will build us up in all the places we are weak and sinful.

Today’s takeaway? Recognize that fear is an enticing apple from the enemy. It seems safe and even reasonable, but partaking will poison our soul. Moreover, realize the Spirit freely offers us the fruit we actually require: power, love and self-discipline.

Apples on the tree in northern Minnesota a few summers ago.

Ironically, we must overcome fear in order to accept the fullness of the Spirit. Know that the enemy will pull out all the stops as we stand on the threshold of surrender-receipt. Satan’s voice has never been as adamant as it was when I was actively seeking the infilling of the Spirit. This makes sense: the enemy of our soul knows firsthand the power of the Person we are seeking. He’ll do all he can to get in the way of our receipt. And even after first infilling, he’ll distract and dissuade from refilling. Take the upper hand. Tell the enemy he’s a liar and a thief and what God offers to us is a birthright of the believer. Push forward in faith. Personal receipt of the Holy Spirit is the most powerful secondary step in our growth with God.

If you have received the Holy Spirit and still battle fear, recognize those moments and stop to invite the Holy Spirit into them. Speak aloud this scripture: “For God does not give us the spirit of fear and timidly, but a spirit of power and love and self-discipline.” Remind yourself of truth and then pray in the Spirit until you feel divine power start to fill your frame again.

“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 11:13 NLT)

“… It is not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” (Zechariah 4:6 NLT)

When we reject the enemy’s ‘gift’ of fear and accept the Spirit of God instead, we receive the strength we need for overcoming. We are equipped to wage war against the sinful nature of our flesh and finally win.

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Spirit. Today we see how the enemy stands int eh way and hands us bad fruit. Help us push past his lies and receive Your Spirit in fullness. Fill us up and fill us again, O Lord. May we be equipped for every good work: brimming with power, love, and self-discipline. Amen.

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