Focused Living

“Joseph of Aramethea, a prominent member of the Council, who himself was waiting for the Kingdom of God, went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus body.” (Mark 15:43 NIV)

What are we waiting for?
What fuels our actions and inactions alike?
What do we dream of?
What are we living in longing for?

Are we toiling away in hopes of a raise? A bigger, better house, or a boat? Are we waiting on a change in political power? A womb to open? A relationship to heal? A heartache to subside?

Joseph of Aramethea was waiting for the Kingdom of God. His wait was higher and purer and all-eclipsing. He knew that all his problems would be resolved with the sound of a trumpet and he made his decision with the Kingdom in mind. Joseph’s Kingdom expectation framed out his life and God was glorified through his wholeheartedness.

What about us as we climb out of bed and begin another Monday? Easter is over, but has it made a soul impact? The childhood chorus sweeps into my soul and reminds me to keep living Sunday’s truths out loud:

“Every morning is Easter morning, from now on.
Every day is Resurrection Day, the past is over and gone.
Goodbye fear, goodbye guilt, good riddance!
Hello Lord, Hello Sun!
I am one of the Easter people, my new life has begun!”

It’s only natural to fall into the rhythm of the world around us: work, eat, play, sleep. Make a buck or two, spend it; repeat. Sit as center of our own universe. But the Creator has invited us to a higher plan of living. He bids us to wait and work and walk with the Kingdom of God in full view. He longs that we would exist in joyous expectation of the age to come. He hopes that our long-sighted living would focus and fuel today’s decisions, sacrifices and priority.

“Set your minds on things above, not earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2 NIV)

Lord, let us live as Joseph of Aremethea, consumed with the Kingdom. Help us to keep looking up, even as the world attempts to drag us down. May we focus fully on the things that are eternal, and hold the temporary far more loosely. Please strengthen our sight for the things of God as we make our way Home. Amen.

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