Bacta Tank of Truth

“My soul is weary with sorrow, strengthen me according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:26 NIV)

We’ve been watching the Book of Boba Fett lately and the by the final episode, the bacta tank is very nearly the star in this series. See, Boba Fett has suffered deeply in the sarlacc pit; where he was swallowed alive by it’s primary resident. Sarlaccs torture their prey by digesting them slowly over the next millennia or so. According to Star Wars legend; Boba only survived the sarlacc by salvaging oxygen form a half-digested storm trooper and then used his flame thrower to blast his way out of the beast. (of course!)

The lasting effects of his five years in the sarlacc cannot be overlooked. Boba is covered in ugly and painful burns from the acid’s slow and steady digestive process. Amazingly, though, the bacta tank does the trick and Boba has the funds to secure one. Bacta tanks are large vessels filled with a liquid healing agent. They are used to treat seriously injured patients. The user wears an oxygen mask and is submerged in a womb-like state while the medicine performs it’s magic. We first see the bacta tank in use with Luke in the Empire Strikes back after he suffers serious frostbite on the planet Hoth.

Luke submerged int the bacta tank.

So why on earth am I writing about Star Wars in my devotions today? Well, I was readying Psalm 119 when verse 28 jumped to at me as a bacta tank for my soul. We are living in troubling times. My heart has been so impacted by the images and reports coming out of the Ukraine this week. I still don’t understand how a country up and decided to invade another country. I know historically this is how human history unfolds, but it has always felt like antiquity not current events. I am deeply concerned about the ramifications of Russia’s actions: not only on the innocents of the Ukraine, but on the world itself as warfare technology has far-exceeded our morality. All these cares and concerns injure my soul like Luke with the frostbite or Boba with the stomach acid.

Where do we go when our soul suffers wounding? Psalm 119:28 tells us: we climb into the bacta tank of scripture. We find healing in the ancient, yet alive promises of God. Our soul is somehow miraculously restored by the lasting power of His holy Word.

The truth is, the sorrow of this world will be with us as long as we have breath in our lungs. This fallen planet with it’s fallen people will inevitably continue to bicker and brawl and maime and brutalize one another because that’s what hurting people do. If we are to walk through this mess and make any sort of Kingdom impact, we must constantly refortify ourselves in the Word. Otherwise, the world will destroy us, too.

“My comfort in suffering is this: Your promises preserve my life.” (Psalm 119:50 NIV)

Oh Lord, we need You desperately. The world is a twisted and terrible place apart from You. Comfort us today in Your Word. Wrap Your text around our souls and administer healing as only You can. Touch our hearts and minds, realign us with Your promises and give us the strength and stamina to speak life to a dying planet. May we return to Your Word often enough to keep our souls connected to truth and certain about eternity. Empower us to encourage others. Amen.

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