
“And he cried out with a loud voice, “What do you have to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you before God, don’t torment me!” (Mark 5:7 CSB)

The demon driven and asked a question we all possess: what does God have do with me? Note the incorrect assumption: “don’t torment me!”

The demons – the very essence of this man’s torment – accused Jesus of potential torment. Do you see the irony?

So often we run from God believing the lie that living for Him will somehow be more miserable than living apart form Him. But look again at our text: what could be more miserable than grave-dwelling, naked, raving and self-mutilating? This man was already living his worst life. His encounter with Jesus could only elevate his existence.

Read the rest of the story. Time in Christ’s presence would prove His lordship. The man would be dispossessed, restored to his right mind, clothed, fed and functioning in friendship.

Friend, the enemy lies to us about God. That is the enemy’s primary objective; to steal, kill and destroy. The sooner we accurately see his agenda, the sooner we can receive the grace we so desperately require.

Examine your life today. What falsities have you accepted as truth about God? That He is disinterested? Unfair? Far off? Even cruel? Recognize the accusations of the enemy. Over and over the enemy projects his actual attributes on his Adversary. Reconsider the enemy’s track record. Lay it beside the Lord’s promises and decide today to refute the lies by trusting God. Our best life is certainly found in Christ alone.

If we keep reading Mark 5 we come across a man with a different sort of accusation.

“One of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at His feet and begged Him earnestly, “My daughter is dying. Come and lay Your hands on her so that she can get well and live.” (Mark 5:22-23 CSB)

Jairus believed the truth about Jesus. He leaned in to what he knew to be true and saw it come to pass. Jesus brings life, not death. Are you convinced?

Lord, thank You for looking after us, for chasing us down with Your love and grace. Help us hear Your call above the lies of the enemy. Let us see our situation accurately, understanding the difference between the agenda of heaven versus the agenda of hell. We find life when we find You. May we look for You earnestly each and every day. Amen.

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