Heavenly Restoration

“He who was seated on the throne said “I am making all things new! And then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”” (Revelation 21:5 NIV)

My husband delivered the remarks in yesterday’s service, and this scripture in Revelation was central to his message. See, my big brother loved to restore vehicles. He’d find value and potential in what most people would consider to be a rusted out relic of a bygone era. Not Chris; he could recall original design and restore the carcass to it’s former glory, even making improvements. Chris possessed the vision, means and tenacity to accomplish total vehicular restoration: even when his own frame failed him. He sought out and hired the talent to accomplish his plans.

My brother’s senior photo in front of a Corvair he restored for a 4H project. It won a purple ribbon at the Iowa State Fair.

Today I’m picturing my big brother being made new. I’m imagining the wheelchair no longer needed; his limbs strong and steady, tremors totally stilled. I can picture him with a stout cup of coffee in a ceramic mug; without spillage or fracture. Better yet, I see him hold a pencil steady; graphite pressed against paper bringing designs to life as he did in high school. He’s able bodied, ready to wrestle with his boys or steer the boat, run the winch or the barbecue. I can hear the timbre return to his voice and the clarity in his speech once more.

Chris’ restoration isn’t merely physical, though. His heart is whole, too. Relationships that had proven so challenging for him in the past will now be easy and lasting. Offense is an earthly affair – unattainable in heaven. No ego or ambition can compete with the pervading presence and peace of our Savior’s unbroken attendance.

You and I can only imagine the wholeness and rightness that is now my brother’s reality. But what a worthy way to exhaust ourselves; especially in the wake of loss. We do well to hold fast to the promise of restoration and we joyfully await our personal participation.

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2 NIV)

Lord, we still hate loss. Death feels frightfully unfair when we forget that it is a necessary stage in total restoration. Fill our hearts and minds with the truth about what comes next. Help us envision that which we can’t quite see. Give us the guts to keep living in light of Your promises. Save our space as we serve You until our very own end. Amen.

2 Replies to “Heavenly Restoration”

  1. I read this 4 times…so far…because it’s beautifully written, and I love the way your words remind us of the promise of restoration we are certain of and we “anticipate while we wait” in Christ Jesus.
    I love to envision the beautiful side of the heavenly transition that an earthly death awakens. Thank you for reminding my eyes to see that today.

    1. I like to think of death like birth; only we don’t catch the baby on the other side. We remain in the dark womb, dreaming about the light and life that is to come. <3

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