A Good Father

“Because we are His children, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts promoting us to call out, ‘Abba, Father.'” (Galatians 4:6-7 NLT)

What a verse to stumble upon on the dawn my father’s third birthday in heaven! It’s only been 28 months since my dad passed into his eternity, but it feels like a lifetime to me. When your last parent leaves earth, there’s a finality I can’t explain, a transfer of familial leadership and a lonely abandon that seeks to tug you off course.

My dad on his last birthday with us; August 2016.

I have been blessed. My Heavenly Father stepped in amidst those first hours of orphanage. He spoke so clearly to me in the immediate dark night of my dad’s death:

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling.” (Psalm 68:5 NIV)

“The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow…” (Psalm 146:9 NIV)

I’m actually oddly grateful. My dad is Home safe. His hangups and hurts cannot haunt him any longer. And for me, where my Heavenly Father had adopted me long before, I felt the full impact of my divine in the that first dad-less night. He’s never left my side. My Father-God has sustained me every day since.

In case you’ve missed it, in case your own broken parent experience has eclipsed it: He’s a Good Father. In all honesty, He’s a far better Father than my flesh and blood father ever knew how to be. Our heavenly Father is perfect and His ways are perfect. He’s patient and kind and long-suffering. He’s a teacher, a leader, a comforter and an encourager. His provision, protection and wisdom are unfailing. His love is stronger than death. As much as I miss my physical dad, I have never been more grateful for my heavenly one as I have been in these past 28 months.

O God, You are a Good Father. Thank You for picking up where the love of our earthly parents leaves off. Thank You for refusing to leave us as orphans, but instead calling us sons and daughters. We look forward to the full restoration of our family. Let heaven come quickly as we serve You on earth. Amen.

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