Let Him Lead

“We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us.” (Ephesians 4:15-16 MSG)

I’m not much of a dancer. Anna means ‘graceful’ but my family is convinced, it’s the other kind of grace. I’m full of free and unmerited favor, not agility or deftness. As much as some people are tone deaf, I am dance deaf. Whether we are talking ballroom or ballet or line dancing, my limbs lock up like un-oiled hinges, left and right lose meaning and my feet trample one another as though they’ve never worked together on a single task. As a child, my ballerina mother put me in dance classes with high hopes that I’d outgrow my awkwardness. I distinctly remember my inability to match my movements with the other first graders who ball-chained and pliĆ©d with precision.

Recently, I’d had a conversation about ball-room dancing with a new friend. She mentioned that she taught and I said how I’ve always thought it would be fun for Rob and I to take lessons. Amazingly enough, despite Rob’s pentecostal family heritage, he’s an incredible dancer thanks to four years of high school show choir. But he doesn’t dance with me, probably because he values the feeling in his feet. My new friend assured me that the only requirement for successful ballroom dance was letting him lead. I was stunned, surely she didn’t understand the degree of my disability. She was insistent: if he’s good, let him lead and you’ll follow.

Today’s scripture brought to mind our conversation.

“We take our lead from Christ.” What hope for our clumsy frames! We don’t have to have this world figured out. It’s ok if we don’t have to know all the steps or have a plan to move across the floor. Our partner is a principle dancer: let Him lead.

“He is the source of everything we do.” Not just our dance, but every dance that has ever been in full swing is because of Him. He’s the beginning and the end, the purpose and the potential of it all. He’s the singular star in all the swirling and twirling of life.

“He keeps us in step with each other.” The dance floor is full, there are many bodies in motion. If we find ourselves watching others, we’ll trip and fall. Instead, we keep our eyes on Christ, our partner and lead. We listen and feel for His direction, we make ourselves unwilling to take a step apart from Him. He’ll keep us coordinated with what’s happening around us. He’s got the whole world in His hands, but we are cradled in His capable arms, He’s carrying us through to the last note.

“His very breath and blood flow through us.” His blood covers and connects us. His sacrificial love washes over our missteps, making them as though they never happened. His shared covenant cup brings us into the family; connected as brothers and sisters, as bride and Groom. His breath, the Holy Spirit, fills our frames: He strengthens, equips, teaches and tugs in the right direction.

“For in Him we live and move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28 NIV)

Lord, You are our perfect partner, making up for all we lack. May we let You lead. May we follow wherever You go, knowing You as our only source. May we trust You to coordinated the details of our dance and also the dancers around us. Keep us in step as we lock eyes with You, our forever partner. Thank You for Your blood and breath given over, covering and connecting us to Your perfection. Amen.

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