Despite Sin

“Which God will bring about in His own time – God the blessed and only Ruler, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” (1 Timothy 6:14 NIV)

Sometimes we struggle to forgive because we believe someone else’s actions or inactions have altered our future reprehensibly and thus rendered our story unrepairable. We tend to drift off into this new reality sulking and resentful: convinced that the sins of another have destroyed God’s best for us. We wrongfully believe any post-trauma existence will be second rate at most.

I was listening to a parenting podcast this week when the author being interviewed mentioned this verse. She stated it plainly: any illusion of control we maintain is nothing more than that: misperception. God alone is blessed and ruler. He is sovereign. Our attempts at control are futile and fleeting. I had to play it back a couple times as I opened my Bible app to chapter and verse. Black and white and highlight helped this truth seep into my soul. God alone is in control. I need to know this as an emptying nest parent but also as a woman living in a sin-scarred world.

It turns out the iniquitous people I have credited with upsetting the apple cart and slamming doors on my future; they weren’t acting independently of a holy God. They were not nearly as powerful as I’ve accredited. Yes, their actions and opinions seemed to have significant impact, but God is the orderer of steps. My future wasn’t cut back or lopped off due to their betrayal or vengeance or consequence or fear. God had already factored our collective humanity into my story because He alone is sovereign. Ruler of all.

Absolute trust in God’s sovereignty appears to be yet another key in the forgiveness process. Believing His best to be uninterruptible helps us let the trespasser off the hook; even if the trespasser was us. In our hurt, we tend to adorn the offender far too much power. We are paralyzed by ‘what if’ when God has been hard at work ‘despite’. Despite transgression, despite dark intention, despite heartache, despite anxiety; God is still working out all things for His glory. He’s working it out for the good of those who love Him. We give the enemy too much power when we believe he can alter our reality through the actions of sinful people. God has long ago taken sin into account. He factored our fallen nature into the equation. We can trust the fact that He alone has placed us here and now, where ever here and now may be.

“I know that God is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods. The Lord does what pleases Him, in the heavens and on earth, in the seas and all their depths.” (Psalm 135:5-6 NIV)

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done; the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20 NIV)

We read this last verse and remember how God is always putting priority on lost people. Whatever His children endure, it is for the sake of the unsaved. In His goodness, He harnesses our lives for the sake of heaven. What may look and feel like a back step or a downshift is surely accomplishing something Kingdom. Trust the process. Lean into His sovereignty and adopt His priority. Don’t critter away your fleeting life in unforgiveness. Look for lost people and make God known wherever you find your footing.

Lord, forgive us for crediting sinners with sovereignty. You alone decide our fate and You have already taken sin into account. Help us trust the process. May we be forgiving and cooperative in all the twists and turns of our story. Amen.

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