Worshiping the Worthless

“All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless.” (Isaiah 44:9 NIV)

Why do we worship created things? Why do we bow and scrape before silly trinkets we have self-assembled?

Isaiah describes the metal worker and the woodworker: fashioning common things and household idols from the same ordinary source. He laughs at the cypress: some reserved for an effigy and some burned as fuel for cooking supper. While we no longer bow before wood and stone, we do adore our sports cars and our smartphones, our expensive purses and and our sprawling houses. We’ll sacrifice ourselves at the altar of materialism. We, too, worship created things instead of the Creator.

“I have made you, you are My servant.” (Isaiah 44:21 NIV)

Isaiah reminds us and it’s good because we forget. God made us. He alone determines our purpose and deserves our worship. We don’t worship the work of our hands, we worship the One who put it all to together and sustains it still. God alone is worthy.

“Ignorant are those who carry about idols of word, who pray to gods who cannot save.” ( Isaiah 45:20 NIV)

Foolish people bow before created things that cannot bring them life. Wise people worship the Creator Himself.

“Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.” (Isaiah 45:22 NIV)

Lord, let us be wise enough to see You as Savior. Help us see our idols as mere created construct. Forgive us for worshiping the worthless. May we glorify You instead. We bow before You as Lord and Creator. You are worthy of all our worship, we will not bend our knee to anything less. Amen.

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