All Day Long

“and my hope is in You all day long.” (Psalm 25:5 NIV)

We’ve had some long days lately. Anytime you load up all your earthly goods and move down the road, it makes for long days. But the sun is up and so am I; looking out over another full day’s work. We’ve got a 26 foot U-haul to unload and a rental to vacuum and mop and a bed to assemble before the sun hits the other of the horizon. I love that God took the time to meet me here in the first few minutes of a busy to remind me that all my hope is in Him. It’s true today and every day.

End of day near Cedar Creek, Tx.

In His sovereignty, He can see today as though it has already happened. He won’t be surprised by any twists and turns. He’s already made allowances of abundant grace for anything that may come up.

I have hope in God because I’ve already put my trust in Him. David stated it at the beginning of the chapter, but I’ve been whispering it as a mantra for my soul from the beginning of my story:

“In You, Lord my God, I put my trust.” (Psalm 25:1 NIV)

Lord, today is a new day and we put our hope anew in You. We trust You with whatever unforseen unfolds, it is already fully known by You. We put ourselves in Your hands today and always. Amen.

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