Compelled to Carry

“As the soldiers led Him away, they seized Simon of Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.” (Luke 23:26 NIV)

I’m try to imagine Simon of Cyrene’s personal testimony of that Friday morning. He had set out from the country to come into town: on errands? to worship? Paying a visit to an old friend? We don’t know his intent, but we clearly see the Lord’s purpose. Simon happened upon a wild scene: a Rabbi under fire, beaten and bleeding, dragging a cross as a gruesome parade through the overcrowded city streets.

I picture Simon coming up on the rabble and pausing just long enough to assess the situation. He surely realized quickly: he wanted to no part of this disturbance. Too late, though, he was assaulted and pressed into Roman service. He was forced to carry the cross.

I’ve written before how Christ shouldered our cross. He took on our burden of sin and shame. This morning I see how Simon of Cyrene was a type of the post-resurrection believer. He carried the cross and followed Christ closely. He fulfilled the earlier words of His Savior-Teacher.

“Then He said to them all: “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily.” (Luke 9:23 NIV)

Simon of Cyrene denied himself that day. He forsook his previous plans. He instead allowed the agenda of the Roman guard (and ultimately heaven) to overshadow his intentions and alter his route. Simon was compelled by those in authority. Likewise, we are compelled by the love and grace of our God and King.

How can we deny ourselves today? What plans and agendas need to be abandoned for Kingdom’s sake? What burden can we gladly bear alongside our Savior to accomplish His purposes?

Lord, we are selfish by nature; bent on our own priorities and pleasures. Please forgive us and press us into Kingdom service. Teach us to deny ourselves as we take up the cross and follow after You. Amen.

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