We Are Easter People

“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” (John 20:1 NIV)

I have thought so many times; I’m so grateful to live on this side of Easter. Post resurrection. Post ascension. Post Pentecost. Jesus is right, it is better for us that He went and sent His Sprit to empower us for every step of our great commission. I’m so glad to awaken to the promise of fullness, not loss. To hope, not dread. To joy, not sorrow.

The first Easter wasn’t so. No, the disciples woke and the Marys woke up from another fitful night, with tears in their eyes and a tear in their soul. But on this day in history, they would stumble into the truth; an empty grave and a resurrected Savior. Christ was risen and He would start to set it all right.

As Easter people we get to rush past the darkness and instead sit under the just pinking canopy of dawn. Jesus is alive and He will be back soon. Yes, we suffer. Yes, we wait. But hope burns bright in our chest, beckoning us towards glorious truth. We serve. We worship. And we look forward to His return with everything in us.

“Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed, but blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:9 NIV)

We get to walk upon the earth as a blessed and believing people. We get to the watch the sky. We get to walk and talk and think and work full of the Holy Spirit and the divine anticipation of a glory yet to come. Easter people are a blessed people for sure.

Lord, we thank You for the hope we find in the cross, the empty tomb, in Your ascension and our infilling. Our hearts are full when we consider all that we know of Your perfect plan. You are a good God who has gone to great lengths to redeem Your wayward people. We respond to the past wit deep gratitude and look forward to the future with greatest joy. We are glad to be an Easter People. Amen.

This is a song we sang on Easter morning growing up UMC. It still returns to me each Resurrection Sunday. I hope you’ll find joy in it’s truth.

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