Uncommon Gratitude

“He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him…” (Luke 17:16 NIV)

Jesus is journeying between Samaria and Galilee when He encountered not one leper, but ten. They could not come close, but stayed at a distance and created a commotion. “Have pity on us!” (v. 12) Picture this collection of decaying, desperate men, clamoring for Jesus’ attention and empathy. Of course, Jesus had compassion. Of course, He healed them. All ten men were made clean by His immediate presence.

But only one returned to say ‘thank you’.

We learn from the lepers that gratitude is uncommon. Stopping to say ‘thank you’ will set apart from the crowd. Returning praise to God will result in extra blessing.

Who can you thank today? Is there a hostess or server that might be taken aback by your gratitude? An overwrought postal employee or Walmart worker that would be surprised by your expression of praise? Perhaps your spouse needs to know how they’ve blessed you this week? Maybe God would be glad to hear your praise amidst an ordinary Tuesday.

Be uncommon. Be grateful. And live blessed.

“Give thanks in all circumstances: for it is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)

Lord, please help us to be grateful in all situations. Open up our mouths with words of thanks and praise. Let us live uncommonly: against the grain of humanity with prolific gratitude. Help us see as You see and love as You love. Amen.

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