Detours of Mercy

“Normally it only takes eleven days to travel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea, going by way of Mount Seir. But forty years after the Israelites left Egypt, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses addressed the people of God, telling them everything the Lord had commanded him to say.” (Deuteronomy 1:2-3 NLT)

Don’t miss this: the eleven day journey had stretched out into forty years. Before we get to disgusted over this level of deceleration, we must remember the Israelites’s sin. They had stood at the edge of the Promised Land and believed the bad report. They had trusted the fear of eight spied over the fear of the Lord. They threw a giant pity party, considered mutiny and begged to be back in Egypt. (Numbers 14:1-4)

Disobedience and disbelief forced the Israelites to take the wrong route. Perhaps we can look at our own story and see the same principles at play? Before we grumble about our out-of-the-way years, we may first realize that divine detours are often God’s mercy on full display.

See, the wilderness awarded the Israelites an extended opportunity to grow forward from their mistakes. God give His kids time and presence where we might learn to walk rightly with Him. Eleven days didn’t contain enough hours to reorient their lives around a holy God. Instead, the Lord led them round the long way for their benefit and His purpose.

When we are pacing the waiting room, it’s tempting to sulk and kick against the goads. Perhaps a better posture is discovered when we choose instead look for God’s sovereignty over our timing and circumstance, when we see alternate routes as mercy He extended.

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish.” (2 Peter 3:8 NIV)

God is not slow in keeping His promise, we are slow in letting His promise keep us. When the journey slows down, it is grace so we can catch up to where God longs for us to live: unafraid, totally devoted, excited about the future with Him.

Thank You, Lord, for reigning over our routes and our day planners. We acknowledge that nay slow-down is still in Your capable hands. Keep us from getting ahead of You, in our footfalls or in our hearts. We want to stay in step with Your perfect stride from here to eternity. Amen.

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