In Pursuit of Wholeness

“Keep your eye on the healthy soul, scrutinize the straight life, there’s a future in strenuous wholeness.” (Psalm 37:37 MSG)

Long walks are great opportunities to engage God.

So, in the strange words of current culture; “I did a thing.” This summer, almost by accident, I enrolled in college. It may not seem like a big deal to most, but for me, having withdrawn 23 years ago, it required a lot of courage to even consider returning to higher education. How does one enroll almost by accident? I was looking into it on a whim of maybe starting in the fall. With one already in college and another in the last stretch of high school, it seemed like an appropriate time to consider resuming my education. When I began speaking with the admissions counselor, he shared about a significant summer scholarship and somehow talked me into taking the first required course. So in the midst of our job hunt, the Israel trip (an education in itself), moving our son to Texas, and occasionally guest preaching, I started online classes at ORU. This week I’m finishing up my final project and crossing my first course off my list.

Oral Roberts University mission statement is about the whole person. The professors and coursework continually address ‘the trinity of man’ – meaning mind, body and spirit. Their aim is to equip ministers to address the needs of the whole person. This vision has resonated with my own experiences in the past five years. Ever since I struggled with personal illness in 2013, the Lord has had me on a whole person journey. He’s asked me to move, to get this body into shape and steward it as the gift it is. He’s pressed me to learn more about mental health, to become aware of my hangups, hurts and habits, to engage my mind in the word and be healed. He’s pressed me hard to strengthen my soul in prayer, worship, study and scripture soaking, inviting me to be the daughter of God I’m designed to be.

Wholeness only comes with effort. It’s not accidental or passive. We don’t happen upon it like an exquisite sunset or a find it like a secret cove of wildflowers. Wholeness is pursued and hard-fought for. Wholeness is a cooperative endeavor between an ardent individual and an all-powerful God.

I arrived at the virtual doorstep of ORU with the whole person mindset already engraved into my frame. I’m truly excited for the journey ahead.

“His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow and there will be no limits to the wholeness He brings.” (Isaiah 9:2 MSG)

“People with their minds set on You; You keep completely whole. Steady their feet because they keep at it and don’t quit. Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing.” (Isaiah 26:2 MSG)

Lord, we know that You long for us to be whole people. This is what the cross was all about; the triune family of God making a way for the salvation of man, for our souls to be intact again. Give us the fortitude to fight for wholeness. Yes, our fight will include overcoming our past, identifying our attitudes, addressing our misunderstandings. Speak to us through Your Spirit. Equip us and encourage us as we choose to fully engage Your agenda for our souls. Amen.

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