The Implications of Wise Men

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.” (Matthew 2:11-12 NIV)

Wisemen on the wall at Ravenna. Circa 303 AD.

The wisemen understood Lordship. Note their collective response to the newborn king: submission, adoration, sacrifice and obedience.

Submission: The magi fell on their faces when they beheld the Messiah. Picture it with me – grown, grand men laid out on the floor before the poor young mother and the babe in her arms.

Adoration: The magi worshiped this unusual child announced by the stars. We don’t know exactly what their worship looked like, but we can assume it included gratitude, wonder, words of thanks and praise, perhaps even a song or a prayer.

Sacrifice: The magi offered extravagant gifts. Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Well-chosen gifts with meaning and purpose. Gifts that were costly in nature. They left the poor house significantly lighter than they had initially arrived.

Obedience: The magi allowed the new king to alter their plans. A God-dream sent them home by another route. They were willing to obey what they did not understand. That’s tough for smart people, but the three kings successfully unseated themselves from the place of personal leadership.

What awesome implications for those who gather at the manger again this Christmas! May the Immanuel experience affect us as it did the wise men. May we respond in submission, adoration, sacrifice and obedience.

This is my favorite Christmas carol this year: incredibly fitting for 2020. I hope you’ll take a moment to look and listen. Merry Christmas!

O God, we need You and You have come to earth in response to our great deficit. May we draw near and respond like wise men: in submission, adoration, sacrifice and obedience. May we recognize You as Lord and King. Amen.

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