A Christmas Star

“When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” (Matthew 2:10 NIV)

When we lay our heads down on the pillow, my husband and I hold hands and share hearts. It’s a routine we began in a season where we had drifted very far apart – it was only in the dark that we learned to turn toward each other again. Now we nightly share our highs and lows for that day, then we take turns praying over one another and our family. Last night, we had the same high: searching out the Bethlehem star with our daughter just after dusk.

I suppose it felt a bit holy, participating in the magi mindset. Only we had it so easy; we piled in our trusty Volvo with heated seats and navigation system. The original star chasers weren’t so comfy. They left the solace and safety of home and country to pursue a new King; one who would reign forever. The magi knew they had found Him when the star stopped over the place where He lay. And they were overjoyed.

The star, as rare and wondrous as it were, was not the unblinking source of joy. It was the baby beneath it that filled their hearts to such large measure. The sleeping Savior is still Immanuel. He is with us in the mud and mess and mourning of 2020. We, too, can be overjoyed by the recollection of His arrival and the expectation of His return.

Follow the star this Christmas and arrive at the nativity where Love Himself came to live with us. Let baby Jesus imbibe your heart with joy; chasing away the tears, trials and trauma of the year behind us, reminding us of His imminent re-entry of our world once more.

“I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding or a bride with her jewels.”
(Isaiah 61:10 NLT)

Lord, give us the courage to chase You in the dark of this season. Thank You for filling flesh; first in Nazareth, but again in believers after the resurrection. We keep looking to You for our redemption. Please fill our hearts and our lives with joy as we consider You this Christmas. Amen.

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