Victory Over Sin and Death

“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 5:57 NLT)

The NIV translation of this text is often used quite flippantly: “But thanks be to God, He give us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” We sing ‘Victory in Jesus’ loudly and we tend to use broad brush strokes over every circumstance in hopes to pave our way to triumph. If we search it out in proper context, we see that in this scripture, Paul is speaking specifically about Christ’s victory over sin and death. If we look verses above, we find some of the most stinging lines of scripture – at least for a season – for me. Let me explain.

“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
(1 Corinthians 15:55 NLT)

Truth be told, I had sung and believed these lines with absolute conviction for the totality of my life… all the way up to age 35. It was when my mother lay in the final throes of her eternal transition, that the enemy slithered into the recesses of that room like the snake that he is. He taunted me with this text, mocking my faith in a room full-to-the-brim with pain. He sought to convince me that he was in charge of that moment; my mother’s gasping and striving for last breath was his doing. And he was winning.

The devil and I wrestled that entire night. I sat with the Word splayed open on my lap, trying to shove truth into the situation. But I was weak. Emotionally and physically spend from my mother’s long travail with melanoma. The enemy seemed to be the victor in those last earthly moments together.

Fast forward six years. Today I remember my mom as healthy and well. Tidbits of her life and love float back to me often, sunlight sparkles amidst ordinary days. I can finally revise that room of death and watch as someone from the window; aware of the pain but no longer consumed. I look forward to forever, joyfully anticipating conversations, adventures and shared meals with my mother. I try to fathom what it might be like to live in total understanding of each other: no competition, jealous, frustration, failing or ill feelings. I am preoccupied by the hope of that level of relationship with all my people.

Mom and I; sometime in the early eighties.

Turns out that satan is a liar and a thief, just as Jesus warned us. Time proves his tall tales and the truth of God will prevail. The sting of death has been removed. God alone has final victory.

Today I am thankful that we win over sin and death when we align ourselves with Jesus. I’m grateful that eternity awaits and heaven will make amends.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”
(Revelation 21:4 NLT)

Lord, thank You for the victory over death. Forgive us for not seeing it sooner, for believing the lies of the enemy instead of Your truth. Please solidify Your word in our hearts, may it stand stronger than our experiences or fears. Amen.

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