Barren Places on Purpose

“Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wild. For forty wilderness days He was tested by the devil. He at nothing during those days, and when the time was up, He was hungry.
(Luke 4:1-2 MSG)

The Spirit calls us to fast and sometime that looks like us moving from a really lush place to very barren place. Galilee is green and fertile; the food and water are plentiful, the temps comfortable. The Negev, however, is dry and barren, vegetation and moisture hard to come by and the heat is oppressive.

The wilderness of the Negev. 104 degrees in mid-June.

Sometimes the Spirit calls us into intentional wilderness seasons. He doesn’t do this to taunt or torment us. He does this because He perceives our spiritual weakness. He desires time and space to point them out before we get on to the battlefield where our enemy will exploit them. If we pay attention, if we respond to the Spirit’s tug toward fasting, we will be better equipped when the forces of hell come against us.

Fasting isn’t punishment. It’s focus. Fasting allows us to learn to lean in to God alone for strength and fuel and support. When we come back out of the wilderness we are far more ready to obey God amidst busy, distracting lives. We’ve taken the time to tune our spirit into His and we’ll be reluctant to let go of that connection.

“Jesus returned to Galilee powerful in the Spirit.” (Luke 4:14 MSG)

After His fast, Jesus went back to a well-watered place. He returned to lush living but He was not the same after His fast. The life He re-entered was also much different: popularity, prolific preaching, and tremendous pressure would mark the next three years of His life. His soul was prepared for the change in social status because of His willing excursion into the desert.

Lord, we aren’t fans of fasting but we are desperate for the soul transformation that only occurs in desert seasons. Embolden us to answer to call to come away with You. Help us deny our flesh in order to grow our soul. Meet us in the barren place so we will be better prepared for the fruitful ministry You have ordained for us. Amen.

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