Crumbling Walls and Moving Mountains

“Look Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!”
(Mark 13:1 NIV)

Take courage, my friend, that which is imposing and impressive to us is not challenging for God. Jerusalem’s stone skyline filled the disciples’ eyeline, but God can rearrange our strongholds and our mountains in a moment. What feels impossible for us, is only Tuesday to God.

Mountain ranges at the Utah-Nevada border.

On Sunday we sang a couple songs from an Elevation Worship album that I played on repeat throughout the ominous ‘estate season’ of my story. Though it’s been three full years since I was buried in car titles and legal proceedings, I remember well the trauma of a vast mountain range bursting over my life. The months that followed my father’s tragic death were marked by crippling responsibility, impossible decisions and ongoing loss. The ‘There is a Cloud’ album came out that summer and I would play it on full volume every day while I showered in hopes that it would drown out my prayers, petitions and flood of tears from the other inhabitants of my home.

Walking around these walls
I thought by now they’d fall
But You have never failed me yet
Waiting for change to come
Knowing the battle’s won
For You have never failed me yet
Your promise still stands
Great is Your faithfulness
I’m still in Your hands
This is my confidence
You’ve never failed me yeah

In our text today, the disciples were in awe of what Herod and religion and Rome had built. As readers, we know that one day soon, all that might and brawn would be wielded against them as the early church was birthed. Yet here we read Jesus reminding them, before their battle begins, that God has final say. He is sovereign over our story.

If I could share the gory details of my estate liberation, I would. Legal agreements keep me from fully testifying about my incredible rescue. But trust me when I say that God totally rearranged my mountains. He toppled the strong walls that had hemmed me in. He showed Himself faithful because He is Faithfulness incarnate.

In the documented conversation in Mark, Jesus shared the gory details of what was to come, but He also shared hope.

“At that time, people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great glory.” (Mark 13:26 NIV)

It’s going to get tough. It’s likely going to be painful. But in the end, God wins. The walls come down. The mountains move. And God gets the glory.

Lord, give us the spiritual grip to hang on to You when things get tough. Some seasons are so traumatic. Some landscapes are so imposing. But You are faithful and You will show Yourself Faithful. We dig into Your word and we hang on to Your promises: we are waiting for Your return. Amen.

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