“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked Him privately, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are are about to be fulfilled?” (Mark 13:3-4 NIV)
I love that we can ask Jesus anything. No question is too hard for us to bring to Him, but His answer may be too hard for us to hear. In this conversation, perched upon the Mount of Olives with an overview of the Temple, Jesus warned His disciples of the coming tension, hardship and straight-up persecution they’d experience. He calmly explained with great detail and careful instruction.
I’ve heard many believers assign these signs to our current time, but typically the result of such a conclusion is panic, accusation and upset. When I read this text I’m impressed to follow Jesus’ specific directives. We can easily collapse the following verses into divine strategy for successful navigation of end times events.
Watch. (v. 5) Stay alert, pay attention. Identify false teachings and steer clear altogether. Scripture serves as our lie detector. The more time we spend in God’s word, the more readily we can recognize teachings that are in violation of or in addition to His holy Word.
Do not be alarmed. (v. 7) This isn’t the time to panic, it’s the time to patiently outlast the enemy. Fear is the most powerful weapon in his arsenal. The key to fighting fear is keeping eternity in focus; one day all the pain of this moment will melt away and be swallowed up in love forever. Let the resolve of heaven hold your heart captive. Allow eternity to dictate today’s belief and behaviors.
Be on Guard. (v. 9) Expect actions against believers, don’t be surprised when following Christ starts to cost something. Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17) and prepare to stand.
Keep preaching the gospel. (v. 10) Jesus reminded His disciples that all the nations needed to hear before the end would come. This is our earthly commission as believers: that every soul would have opportunity to respond to the gospel. With globalization, this is more possible in 2020 than any previous point in history. Stay on task!
Rely on the Holy Spirit utterance. (v. 11) This isn’t just responding to His leading. We see the text says “It is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” Holy Spirit utterance first requires surrender and infilling: something than many mainstream denominations have shied away from, leaving their congregants ill-prepared for the coming persecution. Read Acts 2 for yourself, ask God to reveal to you His agenda for the Holy Spirit in your life.
Stand firm against hate. (v. 13) Family relationships will disintegrate. Entire communities will betray one another. Christ-following will become expensive. Stand firm in faith anyway. Don’t cave to anger or hatred. Love is the trademark of the believer.
Flee if you need to. (v. 14) Recognize what is happening and get out of the way if necessary. We remember, it’s okay to flee when temptation is too great. (1 Timothy 6:11) It’s better to flee and keep your faith intact than stay and betray our Lord and Savior.
Pray. (v. 18) Jesus encouraged believers to pray against winter because harsh conditions will add to the hardship. We are reminded that prayer is always our best insulator against life’s challenges.
Keep eternity in focus. (v. 26) Jesus openly spoke about His return and the end of things as we know it. It is such an important thing to keep in mind as we go about daily life: eating and drinking, buying and selling, working and sleeping. All of that is familiar will one day fold up, and then what? Are we prepared? Are we excited for the Son of Man to come and collect His bride? Or will we be annoyed by the interruption, unprepared to follow Him into the sky? The believer who thinks upon eternity daily will be far better prepared to endure the end times and receive the King with joyous expectation.
“At that time the people will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” (Mark 13:26 NIV)
Lord, we tend to get nervous when we start talking end times. Thank You for laying out instructions that we can hold to when the world starts to shake. We are so enthused about Your return, let that overshadow any fear or uncertainty that attempts to distract. We look forward to heaven with our whole being. Thank You for making a way for us to live with You forever. Amen.