A Meal and Maybe More

“By this time it was late in the day, so His disciples came to Him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “And it’s already very late. Send the people away so they can go to surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”” (Mark 6:34-35 NIV)

The altar at Tabgha, location of the loaves and fishes miracle.

A crowd had followed Jesus far past their comfort zone and stayed late into the day. Apparently they were so wrapped up in His teaching, they’d lost track of time and tummies had started to rumble. The disciples wanted to push off the responsibility, though the surrounding towns would have little after hours to provide for such a crowd. Jesus simply asked for an inventory.

We see three things in this hillside miracle:

Sometimes we follow Jesus to remote places.
He is faithful to provide when we follow Him closely.
There is deep satisfaction in His provision.

What a stark contrast to Herod’s feast just a few verses prior. Herod’s dinner party was dark, lewd, wicked and wanting. Jesus picnicked with His people on an open hillside, His guests were humbled, holy and satisfied.

Maybe there’s an even bigger pullback? Humanity has a need. It’s just as real as hunger, but not quite as obvious. We are in need of salvation, rescue from sin’s curse. We commit to following Jesus, even to most remote places and He supernaturally provides the cure. In fellowship with Him, we are satisfied.

Ancient mosaic of the loaves and fishes. The fifth loaf is said to be in the hands of the Savior.

If we aren’t completely satisfied in Him, maybe we aren’t far enough out from the entanglements of civilization? Jesus so often met people in far-off places where they could gain a better perspective on their story. It’s hard to think clearly in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but when we get away with Jesus, we realize He’s enough.

Lord, thank You for seeing our need and meeting it. We are so grateful for the opportunity to learn from You. Help us find time to step away as needed. Help us see our lives as they really are; centered around You. Please continue to provide for us as we let go of earthly entanglments and take hold of the Kingdom. Amen.

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