Asking for Fruit

“We don’t know what God wants us to pray for. but the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that canto be expressed in words.” (Romans 8:26 NLT)

It’s interesting that I referenced this scripture last night to my dear friend who is facing another deployment. Sometimes we hit walls where our emotions are running so high, we don’t quite know how to pray.

John Eldredge once again gives great advice via his little devotional book, Restoration Year. He asks us to ask Jesus how to pray. This makes so much sense, since He is already in the garden of our soul, interceding for us hourly.

Pomegranates ripening in Jerusalem.

If you’ll be brave enough to ask, He’ll be bold enough to answer. This morning I had only a few short minutes and I sincerely doubted the Lord would answer in double time, but He did. He was waiting for my query with three things to pray for.

Patience. I read last night, on a facebook post of all places, how patience isn’t a gift but a fruit. Fruit is called produce for a reason, because it takes time to produce.

Faithfulness. Faithfulness is simply doing the right thing over the long haul. Faithfulness is not flash in the pan obedience but small, diligent steps in the direction of godliness spread out over a lifetime

Self-control. Self-control is really submission to God-sovereignty. It’s us laying down our right to tweak, command or manipulate the situation. It’s us acting out the belief that God has our story in His capable hand and He alone is writing it for His glory.

“When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples.
This brings great glory to my Father.” (John 15:8 NLT)

Just as a heavy-laden field brings glory to the farmer, so a heavy-laden life honors our Creator. When we grow and produce spiritual fruit, He gets the glory.

Lord, we long for our prayers to line up with Your plans. May we pause today and ask you how to pray. And if, by chance, You point us toward fruit production, may we press forward in perseverance, eager to produce a spiritual harvest in our own branches. Amen.

2 Replies to “Asking for Fruit”

  1. Absolutely spot on! Patience, faithfulness and self control is an everyday choice only made possible with Him! Love you! Thank you for sharing!❤️

    1. Katrina, you are so right! Every day focus is the way we grow good things! Here in Iowa, I see the farmers out in their fields every day, examining and making adjustments. This is a good reminder to us about how much intentionality is required in soul growth!

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