Living Wholehearted

“No one from this evil generation shall see the good land I swore to give your ancestors, except Caleb, son of Jephunneh. He will see it and I will give him and his descendants the land he set his feet on, because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.” (Duet. 1:35-36 NIV)

Wholehearted is a word in midst of a comeback. Professor, lecturer and author BrenĂ© Brown gave a Tedtalk on the subject with 13 million views to date. She shares the essential nature of wholehearted living: the capacity to engage with authenticity, courage and compassion. And honestly, she’s right, to be truly wholehearted, our heart must choose a direction, we need to be moving towards something or someone.

Sunflowers are a great example of wholehearted living – they follow the sun. <3

God specifically asks us to direct the energies of our entire heart toward Him. He implores us to hold nothing back. He hopes that we would live a hundred percent set apart for Him: totally invested and utterly trusting.

Caleb lived out that level of commitment. At age forty, he took a quick spy mission through the Promised Land – a forty day long covert op that altered the course of his heat. He believed the word of the Lord above the evidence at hand. He heard the promise of God and pushed forward at full throttle. His faithfulness was rewarded forty years later.

Caleb discovered that wholehearted living will take us places with God
that cannot access on our own.

I’m forty-one and I’m ready to fully believe the promise of God above any earthly entanglements. I want to live totally engaged toward heaven, toward the full revelation of God’s promises for His people. I, too, believe that authentic, courageous and compassionate acquire by our own means. I’m ready to live wholeheartedly.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38 NIV)

Lord, today we renew our commitment to wholehearted living. May we be authentic, courageous and compassionate in our pursuit of You. Make us confident of Your promises and faithful in our following. Welcome us into the Promised Land one day soon. Amen.

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