Sow What?

“Don’t be misled – you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” (Galatians 6:7 NLT)

This scripture reminds me of my childhood spent in the Midwest. There are at least two truths in farm country: everyone plants something and you get what you plant.

In northern Iowa, the soil is so black and so rich that you’d be crazy not to plant something. Even a brown-thumbed girl like me could get rhubarb to grow in the side yard. Elementary kids can grow morning glories and grandma’s can coax prize-winning irises for the county fair. Farmers grow corn and beans and everybody else grows a vegetable garden chock-full of zucchinis, tomatoes and green beans. Anybody in Iowa can grow something.

And you get what you plant. No one puts a kernel of corn in the ground and grows a beanstalk. Corn produces corn and beans produce beans. You grow whatever it is you are willing to part with and put in the earth.

These farm country truths have spiritual application as well: everybody plants something and you get what you plant. We each make deposits in the earth, some are more pleasant and helpful than others. If you sow discord, you’ll reap discord. If you sow lovingkindness, you’ll reap lovingkindness.

Maybe you are looking around at the garden or field of your life and you’re not too pleased with your harvest. You can change your yield by swapping out your seed. It will require a season or two, but if you are committed to sowing good seed, one day you’ll reap a far better harvest.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up. Therefore, whenever we have opportunity, we should do good to everyone – especially to those in the family of faith.” (Galatians 6:9-10 NLT)

Lord, we realize that farming truths are Kingdom truths, too. Help us plant good seed in full faith. Farmers work full months before they see the fruits of their labor. Grow our hope as we sow kindness, mercy, love, patience and faithfulness. Remind us that we will someday see these seeds produce a glorious return. Amen.

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