Being Sifted

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32 NIV)

My pastor pointed it out in her Easter sermon: how the last week in the life of Christ revealed the best and worst in His disciples. Our minds jump to Peter’s denial and Judas’ betrayal, but also recall Mary Magdalene’s worship and Joseph of Arimathea’s generosity. I keep thinking of the Corona crisis and I realize how likewise, the last few weeks have revealed the best and worst in humanity. In me.

We’ve seen companies abandon car and beer manufacturing and take up ventilator and hand sanitizer production. Corporations have donated personal protective equipment and people at home are learning to sew masks. Birthday parades pass by quarantined kiddos. Movie stars are making YouTube encouraging YouTube clips in their pajamas. Doctors and nurses and Walmart workers are all serving tirelessly on the front lines.

On the other hand; people hoard toilet paper and cleaning products and milk and meat. One aspiring entrepreneur got caught with 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer, price-gauging desperate buyers on Ebay. A lady with a cough intentionally hacked on $35,000 worth of fresh produce in a supermarket. The media is piling on the President as though he’s the enemy, not the virus. And ordinary folks are picking up conspiracy theories like free candy. Have you noticed how people have stopped making eye contact? Last I read, you can’t catch Corona by smiling across the street. Yep, the last few weeks have revealed the best and the worst.

Not to throw stones, though. I’ve seen it in myself. The first week of this was especially rough. I was rattled by fear and in a hurry to get my family under one roof. I stood in long lines and bought more than I needed. I laid awake at night and wondered what the future would look like. Thankfully, after a few days in quarantine, I found my faith again, right where I’d left it. Intact and ready to wear; a far better fit than any homemade mask.

It seems like my friends have struggled, too. As the quarantine drags on, so do our spirits. The thing is, the best and worst in us can be seen in any given day. We may sing a song or read a scripture and our faith soars, but then an emotional tussle with a spouse or child or a particularly dark news broadcast sends us spiraling again. It’s ok. Whenever we stumble, we reach out to Jesus to steady us again.

I want to point out what Jesus said to Peter in his darkest season. He said He was praying for him. Sit in that promise for a moment. The Savior of the world is praying for us: today, right now. He’s praying that we’d hold to the faith and continue to serve the Kingdom; even in days of crisis. He also said that after sifting, we could turn back and strengthen our brothers. We can become a source of hope and peace, not panic. That’s where I’m at today, ready to offer truth and anything else I possess for the cause of Christ.

“Stand firm, and you will win life.” (Luke 21:19 NIV)

Lord, please forgive our wavering. Our human flesh is weak, but Your Spirit in us is strong. Please steady us today, as we reach out and grab hold of You. Thank You for interceding, for believing in us despite our sifting. Strengthen us that we might strengthen others. May we be Kingdom builders even amidst this current pandemic. Amen.

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