A Costly Gift

“Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away.” (Matthew 27:59-60 NIV)

I’m just about done with my Joseph of Arimathea devotional but not before he teaches me a few more truths.

Joseph gave extravagantly and he fully surrendered his plans to Kingdom agenda. The tomb he freely offered was costly: representing a financial outlay, strenuous physical effort and a significant time investment. His tomb-gift reminds me a bit of the woman with the alabaster jar, it was a gift of great value.

Jesus doesn’t ask us for paltry Kingdom investments. He’s not impressed by our tips or leftovers. Some churchgoers balk at the suggested tithe, but truly, that’s Old Testament. New Testament believers gave all they had. Jesus asks that we would be all in on this Kingdom living, that we would invest heavily with complete trust.

Honestly, there are seasons where our investment may feel like total loss. Joseph buried Jesus in his brand-new tomb and went away. Three days passed and then that donated tomb became the most famous place in human history.

We, too, make Kingdom investments. We push all our resources toward heaven with high hopes of a good return. Then we wait. We serve until the end of our days and it feels a bit like gambling, all this blind trust. But what do we have to lose? If we are wrong, we’ve simply lived a better life, honoring and valuing people along the way. But if we are right, we gain eternity.

Life’s a gamble anyway, isn’t it? Just look around at what is happening in our world right now. Who is safe? Who’s life remains untouched by the havoc wreaked by an invisible virus? Not one. But look again, who is steadied by the hope of heaven in the center of their being? Where are the tomb-givers and the alabaster jar-breakers? Who’s pouring out their life and resources in absolute trust of a Savior? Who’s abandoning their earthly agendas for Kingdom strategies?

I wonder, for us, what we can give today? What is costliest right now? What will require our time, our resources and effort?

A happy pilgrim in front of an empty tomb.

For me right now, it’s my attitude. It’s waking up each day and choosing to be grateful and present and hopeful. It’s washing my hands and saying my prayers; I’m learning to interweave these two habits. It’s loving my family well even when we are piled up on each other. It’s sharing Christ as consistently as possible in the midst of strange circumstances. A good attitude is the costliest gift I can give today, in the dark days before resurrection power pours forth and reignites the world.

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5 NIV)

Lord, we are still learning from Joseph of Arimethea’s obedience in the darkest hours on earth. Help us to be generous in a time where being stingy makes sense. Lead us by Your Spirit to make Kingdom investments. Begin with our attitude today. May we choose gratitude. May we remain hopeful. Give us great love for the people in quarantine with us. May we be prayerful as we wait on resurrection power poured over the globe. Amen.

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